Disclaimer : This post is brought to you by Nuffnang And CSR Sugar.
As I walked into the Farmer’s Markets this morning, my eyes lit up at the vibrant display of seasonal produce. Spring has arrived at the markets. Berries are aplenty. At last! I wanted to fill up my basket with my favourite blueberries. I wanted to bake luscious fresh berry cakes. I wanted to eat home-made scones every day. I wanted to make jams like there’s no tomorrow or perhaps because I know tomorrow the seasons’ will change but I can preserve the bounty in jars and in baked goods. As I wait for my turn, the lady before me smiled with a dreamy look in her eyes as she carefully placed two large boxes of strawberries in her bag. ‘I am baking my Nan’s Strawberry Swiss roll’. I smiled back at her thinking about the blueberry cake I was planning for the weekend. The cake that kicks off spring in my house every year. A treat that reminds me of my own personal journey in this beautiful country where I lovingly built a life, a career and some of the most amazing memories to fall back on when I turn older. Ah memories!
And I am inspired! The trip to the farmers’s market was one of the few excuses to bake from the newest possession in my cookbook collection, The CSR Sugar Made for Memories Cookbook. So aptly named, this collection of fabulous recipes is built on beautiful memories that Australians have shared with CSR Sugar to celebrate it’s 160th birthday. 160 years of an ingredient, so magnificent that it can transform simple sweet dishes into desserts, baked goods into decadent treats and experiences into memories of a lifetime. Remember my Blueberry Lover’s Cake? It’s in the cookbook too. These are recipes that have stood the test of time. The recipes are broadly categorised into 5 groups.
- Biscuits and Slices
- Cakes and Cupcakes
- Jams and Chutneys
- Bread and muffins
- Desserts and Sweets
There is something for everyone. Some of the baked goods that I cannot wait to try out are Gwen’s pear and brioche bread pudding, Loretta’s Pistachio tea cakes with Pomegranate Syrup and Mum’s chocolate Scones. The stories are so sweet that I am almost transported to the recipe creator’s kitchens. Whether you are an avid baker or stepping into the kitchen for the first time, the CSR Sugar Made For Memories Cookbook is like a kitchen hand book that you can reference at any time or simply flip through the pages for some serious baking inspiration. The section on ‘Choosing the right Sugar’ is a complete insight into the world of sugar and syrups and how they enhance the flavour, composition and appearance of baked goods.
This gorgeous cookbook can be purchased at Woolworth’s outlets from 14th October while stocks last. Alternately, you can get your hands on this cookbook, absolutely free with any purchase of three 1 kg CSR Sugar products. So more reasons to bake with your favourite sugars!
CSR products range from everyday sugars (raw and white sugar) and baking sugars (caster, brown, icing sugar) to syrups (golden syrup, treacle) to exclusive items like coconut sugar and Jam Setting Sugar, as well as healthier substitutes like LoGiCane (low GI sugar). You can check out all their products at the CSR website. Here is the link
With 160 years of expertise, CSR is a brand of repute in Australia. The sugars and syrups are of a superior quality because they are 100% graded and natural.
CSR Sugar has been my companion since Day 1 of my stay in Australia and their products are indispensable to the creations you see on my website.
Oh congratulations Sonali! Being published is such an amazing thing, you deserve this!!!! Love the fact that the incredible Blueberry Lover’s Cake made it into the cookbook too. Stunning to look at and equally delicious to savour. I will look out for the CSR cookbook next time I pop into Woolies xx
Congratulations Sonali on being published. You totally deserve it. Missed this space…
I live in Cincinnati, Ohio U.S.A.
We are coming into Autumn (Fall-because it is when the leaves fall from the trees.)
I am waiting for my favorites—-pumpkins.
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice cake, pumpkin cheesecake
I enjoy reading about all of your beautiful desserts.
I really enjoy the photos of the desserts—whoever takes the pics
does a great job.
Christy Stone
Congratulations!!!! How fantastic that is to be published!!! I wish I can get my hands on this particular book but I have a feeling that you will publish your very own cookbook soon enough, so I will wait for that 🙂
<3 <3 <3
Cookbooks like this become heirlooms. I can’t wait to visit Woolies and get one for myself.
Girl… You rock!!! — and I’ve always knew that. Congratulations on having recipes of yours featured there. But I have to say, they were smart enough to choose your gorgeous, yummy goodies. Keep up the good work!
A cake to kick of spring every year sounds so special. Hope you are enjoying the new season. Big congratulations on your work in print! Looks wonderful!
that does look like a gorgeous cookbook indeed, now I want a snack. We do not have that sugar here (congrats to 160 years) but the recipes work anywhere. Great promo they have to get a free copy.
This is a excellent cook book. Please let me know when your printing your next one.
Can you please advise where I can get this cookbook is it available in australua
Have you published any books?